University & College Business Studies Trip To Madrid
Students gain valuable insights on a tour of this major centre for international business, commerce and finance.
Q&A at the Madrid Stock Exchange
Tour of the vast Coca-Cola factory
The daily life of El Pais newspaper
High tech meets tradition at the Castejon Winery
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What's included*
*Excursion fees may not be included in this tour – please contact us to learn more.
Recommended excursions
Guided tours within the 19th Century Palacio de la Bolsa are available daily. Students are encouraged to assume a dynamic role, asking questions as they come up throughout the tour. An exhibition, made of interactive audio-visuals and screens, facilitates the understanding of the Madrid Stock Exchange since its very early days in 1831 up to the present day.
Visit this Madrid factory for an insight into how Danone rank as a world leader in fresh dairy products. The factory in Tres Cantos makes natural and flavoured yoghurts, Activia natural and low-fat, Vitalinea and Danet. Students can see how the yoghurt is made, and find out about the firm, which started in Barcelona in 1919, but subsequently moved to France.
Mahou-San Miguel Beer Group offers guided tours for students to get to know the process of making their famous Spanish beer. In the factory they see how beer-making tradition is combined with modern technology to create a quality product. Audio-visuals and dedicated rooms are used to show the industrial installations, and the history of the San Miguel brand.
This 30,500-square metre plant in the town of Arganda del Rey is where Codan produce and package their popular range of patisserie and bakery goods. Students can learn about the range and witness the production process. The firm was launched in 1961 by the de la Torre family, and now sells throughout Spain and the EU, as well as in the States and Africa.
El Pais is the highest-circulation daily newspaper in Spain. It was first published in May 1976, six months after the death of dictator Franco, and became the newspaper of Spanish democracy. Students can tour the departments of the El Pais office in Madrid, from reporting to design and printing, and learning about the politics and ethics of the newspaper.
In 1959, Miguel Castejon started his winery on the outskirts of Madrid in the small town of Arganda del Rey. He was one of the first in this region to bottle his own wines. Students can tour the winery and see how the traditional process of aging the wine is combined with the latest technology such as automatic temperature control and pneumatic pressing.

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